New campaign encourages citizens to sort better

Fost Plus Still1

Under the motto "Is het een verpakking, dan mag het de zak in! - C’est un emballage, tant mieux il va dans le sac bleu!", Fost Plus is pushing for better sorting this autumn. After all, without sorting, recycling is not possible. And sorting has become part of daily life. The campaign clarifies what is and what is not allowed in the blue bag.


Since the PMD sorting message was expanded in 2019, almost all plastic packaging has been allowed in the blue bag. This is good news as it means more materials are collected for recycling and the sorting message has become easier for the general public. Packaging that we might have had doubts about in the past, such as yoghurt pots or plastic bags, is now simply allowed in. But we have become too enthusiastic and more and more things are ending up in the PMD bag that do not belong there. And that is a problem.

"Speelgoed en afgedankte elektro in de blauwe zak lijken op het eerste zicht misschien onschuldig, maar het tegendeel is waar. Ze zorgen voor geblokkeerde installaties en brandgevaar in de sorteercentra. Bovendien gaan de waardevolle materialen verloren."

Without sorting, there's no recycling

The blue bag is for Plastic packaging, Metal packaging or Drinks cartons. Things that do not belong in it are relentlessly pushed aside during the sorting process and incinerated as residual waste. This is unfortunate, because if these items had ended up in the right place, they might have been recycled. Moreover, these intruders can cause problems, such as clogging the sorting machines or starting fires. All the more reason to go back to basics with this campaign!

The main protagonist in the campaign is a mis-sorted toy chicken, which is clearly not packaging. With the jingle "Is het een verpakking, dan mag het de zak in/C’est un emballage, tant mieux il va dans le sac bleu", she reminds everyone why she should not have ended up there. What's the betting this earworm will stick around for a long time?

The campaign is to appear on radio, television, billboard and online channels from mid-September until the end of October.

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