Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters opens first ultra-fast IONITY charging points on the Brussels Ring

06102021 Laadpalen LT061

Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters, together with Mayor of Vilvoorde Hans Bonte, inaugurated the first four 350 kW ultra-fast charging points of Europe’s largest high-power charging network IONITY on the Brussels Ring on the innovation campus of Living Tomorrow.

Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters, together with Mayor of Vilvoorde Hans Bonte, inaugurated the first four 350 kW ultra-fast charging points of Europe’s largest high-power charging network IONITY on the Brussels Ring on the innovation campus of Living Tomorrow.

Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters, together with Mayor of Vilvoorde Hans Bonte, inaugurated the first four 350 kW ultra-fast charging points of Europe’s largest high-power charging network IONITY on the Brussels Ring on the innovation campus of Living Tomorrow. Anyone can come and fully charge their electric car in around 15 minutes at these charging points – a collaboration of Living Tomorrow participants IONITY and ABB. “With this Living Tomorrow is taking an important step in the direction of the future of electric driving and as one of the major Hoppin points or transport nodal points of the future in order to improve mobility in the Flemish Periphery”, said Minister Peeters.

Read more in our press release

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